North Quay
North Quay
North Quay

North quay

Located directly north of the Canary Wharf’s Crossrail Place is the 3.8-hectare site known as North Quay. Planning has been secured for a 2.5 million sq. ft mixed-use development.

The North Quay development is a 3.28 hectare site previously used as a construction laydown site for the Canary Wharf Crossrail Station, now the Elizabeth line. The Site is located to the north of the Isle of Dogs, within the administrative boundary of the London Borough Tower Hamlets, at Canary Wharf. It is bounded by Crossrail Place to the south, Aspen Way to the north, Hertsmere Road and the Marriott Hotel to the west and Billingsgate Market to the east.

Planning Update

Outline Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent was secured in March 2022 for the redevelopment of the North Quay site (the Site). 

North Quay represents a unique and important opportunity to bridge the gap between Canary Wharf and South Poplar. The ambition is to create a masterplan which guarantees significant public realm and open space and enhanced north-south connectivity but provides flexibility regarding built form and uses which are delivered to allow the site to respond to the volatile post Brexit and COVID market.

Between October 2019 and March 2020 we met with many local stakeholders and held two stages of public consultation to understand local views on the proposals, involving over 250 people. The feedback we received during consultation has helped to shape the priorities for North Quay and how it can benefit the area. Participants told us that the main priorities for the development were access to public space and the waterfront, improved connections between Poplar and Canary Wharf, better pedestrian routes and cycle access, and leisure uses, all of which have been incorporated into the proposals.

The proposals for the North Quay development will deliver up to 355,000 sq m of floorspace within a range of uses which could include office and life science, residential, retail, community, leisure, hotel, co-living and student.  A number of public realm and open space commitments (all of which will be publicly accessible) will be delivered irrespective of the buildings and uses which come forward, namely:

  • 0.8 hectares of publicly accessible open space
  • The north-south pedestrian route from the end of the Aspen Way Footbridge through Poplar Plaza and the North Quay site to the Canary Wharf Elizabeth line station
  • A significant square in the centre of the site (Quay Square)
  • Delta junction improvements (The Delta)
  • The east-west boardwalk adjacent to the dock which stretches along the entirety of the southern boundary of the Site (Quayside)
  • The east-west pedestrian and cycle route running along the northern boundary of the Site adjacent to Aspen Way (Aspen Way Gardens)
  • Improvements to the Aspen Way Footbridge

We are now developing a Reserved Matters Application for the first building at the North Quay development.  Sitting at the western end of the site adjacent to West India Quay DLR station we intend to deliver a lifescience building in a joint venture partnership with Kadans Science Partner.  We are currently undertaking formal pre-application meetings with Tower Hamlets Council and intend to submit an application by the end of the year.


canary wharf planning north quay

Planning application documents

Application for outline planning permission

NQ.PA & NQ.LBC_Covering Letter_03 07 20

NQ.PA.01-Application-Form – July 2020

NQ.PA.02 CIL Forms – July 2020

NQ.PA.03.A. Volume 1 Drawings for Approval – July 2020

NQ.PA.03B. Volume 2 Drawings for Information – July 2020

NQ.PA.04. Design Guidelines – July 2020

NQ.PA.05. Development Specification – July 2020

NQ.PA.06. Planning Statement – July 2020

NQ.PA.07_Design & Access Statement_Part 1 – July 2020

NQ.PA.07_Design & Access Statement_Part 2 – July 2020

NQ.PA.07_Design & Access Statement_Part 3 – July 2020

NQ.PA.07_Design & Access Statement_Part 4 – July 2020

NQ.PA.07_Design & Access Statement_Part 5 – July 2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 1_ Introduction-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 2_EIA Methodology-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 3_Alternatives and Design Evolution-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 4_The Proposed Development-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 5_Enabling and Construction Works-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 6_Socio-Economics-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 7_Transport and Accessibility-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 8_Noise and Vibration-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 9_Air Quality-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 10_GHG Emissions-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 11_Daylight Sunlight Overshadowing Solar Glare and Light Pollution-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 12_ Wind Microclimate_Part1-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 12_ Wind Microclimate_Part2-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 13_Water Resources and Flood Risk Chapter-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 14_Effect Interactions-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 15_Likely Significant Effects and Conclusions-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_Ch 16_Mitigation Monitoring-July-2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 1_GlossaryandAbbreviations-July-2020

NQ.PA.08.Vol2.TVIA Part 1 – July 2020

NQ.PA.08.Vol2.TVIA Part 2 – July 2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 3_Appendix Air Quality – July 2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 3_Appendix DSO Part 1 – July 2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 3_Appendix DSO Part 2 – July 2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 3_Appendix DSO Part 3 – July 2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 3_Appendix DSO Part 4 – July 2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 3_Appendix DSO Part 5 – July 2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 3_Appendix DSO Part 6 – July 2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 3_Appendix DSO Part 7 – July 2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 3_Appendix Enabling – July 2020

NQ.PA.08_ES Vol 3_Appendix GHG – July 2020

NQ.PA.09. Environmental Non Technical Summary – July 2020

NQ.PA.10.Transport Assessment – July 2020

NQ.PA.11.Framework Travel Plan – July 2020

NQ.PA.12.Residential Travel Plan – July 2020

NQ.PA.13.Delivery and Servicing Plan – July 2020

NQ.PA.14. Statement of Community Involvement – July 2020

NQ.PA.15. Heritage Assessment – July 2020

NQ.PA.16. Sustainability Statement – July 2020

NQ.PA.17.Energy Statement – July 2020 – Part 1

NQ.PA.18. Affordable Housing Statement – July 2020

NQ,PA.19 North Quay Viability Assessment – July 2020

NQ.PA.20 Internal daylight sunlight and overshadowing report – July 2020

NQ.PA.21. Economic and Regeneration Statement – July 2020

NQ.PA.22.Site Waste Management Plan – July 2020

NQ.PA.23.Foul Sewerage and Utilities Assessment – July 2020

NQ.PA.24 Aviation Safeguarding Assessment – July 2020

NQ.PA.25.Radio and TV Interference Assessment – July 2020

NQ.PA.26. Archaeological Desk Based Assessment – July 2020

NQ.PA.27. Ecological Impact Assessment – July 2020

NQ.PA.28 Ground Contamination Desk Study and Risk Assessment – July 2020

NQ.PA.29 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy – July 2020

Project Team


Canary Wharf (North Quay) Ltd


Allies and Morrison

Landscape Architect


Lead Environmental Consultant


Planning consultant


Planning Legal Advisors

Clifford Chance

Transport Consultant


Principal Contractor

Canary Wharf Contractors Limited

If you have any further questions, would like to sign up to our mailing list or would like to contact the team for any reason please email us at

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