Canary Wharf Raises the Curtain on the Climate Crisis – 12.07.21

The Estate is welcoming the UK’s first zero-waste theatre, to help kickstart wider climate action among Londoners

This July, Canary Wharf welcomes The Greenhouse Theatre – an award winning, eco-driven theatre project that aims to inform audiences on the climate crisis, through engaging and powerful storytelling on stage.

The Greenhouse Theatre will nestle its signature pop-up, crafted entirely of recycled and found materials, within the calming open space of Jubilee Park, Canary Wharf. Once launched, this unique structure will host a programme of shows and workshops, created to help audiences build earthly connections with the climate crisis. Visitors will also learn practical skills through this environment-inspired programme of activity, hoping to encourage eco-conscious individuals to act for the future.

From being flooded with awards at the 2019 Edinburgh Fringe, The Greenhouse Theatre returns after a year underground. This special edition, hosted by Canary Wharf, is a build on The Greenhouse’s ethos that preserving the atmosphere must be a continual and collective effort. In fact, every particle of the production has been curated with the environment in mind, from the costuming to the marketing, and even the building of the venue is a zero-waste design from the ground up.  

Three new shows, all written, directed, and performed by a creative collective of diverse and passionate talent, will debut at Canary Wharf. Set under the trees and surrounded by a skyline, audiences can expect intimate acts that contextualise climate change through an evocative and human narrative.

For example, As you Like It, an all singing and dancing production of Shakespeare’s pastoral classic, showcases a young girl’s love for the woods, and is designed to re-kindle a connection with the natural world. Secondly, Hjem is a visual tale of two singers, who strum up a heart-warming friendship by singing across the seas and connecting through their love of the natural landscape. Also debuting at Canary Wharf is 12, a romantic story set over the remaining 12 years we have left to abate the worst effects of the climate crisis – this deeply human piece forces audiences to consider what personal and emotional heartache is at stake.

The Greenhouse Theatre, Canary Wharf, will evoke further feelings of community within this public space, as audiences are welcomed to learn through talks, lessons, musical performances, and family events. This project contributes to Canary Wharf’s wider environmental initiatives, including creating a truly sustainable 15-minute city in which to live, work and play.

Lucie Moore, Group Arts+Events Manager at Canary Wharf Group said: “We’re so pleased to be adding The Greenhouse Theatre to the ever-growing list of exciting lifestyle activity we have happening at Canary Wharf.

“This is a powerful and visual way to educate live audiences on what vital action needs to be taken to save our planet and with the wider environmental initiatives that have been implemented estate-wide, it is a perfect fit for Canary Wharf. We are delighted to share the stage with such a forward-thinking group of creative and diverse talent and are even more excited to be hosting three brand new shows from this award-winning collective.”

Oli Savage, Artistic Director at The Greenhouse Theatre says: “We are so excited to be working with the Canary Wharf Group for our first appearance coming out of lockdown. Their strong track-record in sustainability makes them a natural partner for us.

What’s more, Jubilee Park is a truly beautiful natural space in the heart of a bustling business centre. It’s full of contrast between the natural and the manmade, yet it’s also incredibly peaceful. That makes it the perfect spot for reflecting on our relationship with the natural world, an ideal place for The Greenhouse! We’re looking forward to meeting new audiences, and helping more people connect with nature in the heart of the city. “

Click here for more information


Friday 23 July – Sunday 15 August
Various times
Jubilee Park
Canary Wharf

For further information, please contact:

Press Office
Canary Wharf Group plc
T: 020 7418 2166


Notes to Editors

About Canary Wharf Group:

Canary Wharf Group (CWG) is the developer of the largest urban regeneration project in Europe. CWG develops, manages and currently owns interests in approximately 7.5 million square feet of office space, 0.9 million square feet of retail and over 1,000 Build to Rent apartments.

CWG is the largest sustainable developer in the UK with over 11 million square feet of sustainable certified buildings. CWG also excels operationally having purchased 100% electricity from renewable sources since 2012 and zero waste to landfill since 2009.

CWG has created a 24/7 city where people can live/work/play on the Canary Wharf estate and enjoy all the benefits: great transport links, access to green spaces and waterside living; and a wide range of amenities including an award-winning arts and events programme.

Canary Wharf’s retail offering comprises over 300 shops, including grocery stores, pharmacies, health clubs, bars and restaurants, all within 15 minutes’ walk.
Instagram: @canarywharflondon / @woodwharf
Twitter: @YourCanaryWharf / @CanaryWharfGrp / @Level39CW / @Wood_Wharf

About The Greenhouse Theatre:

The Greenhouse is the UK’s first zero-waste theatre. We create multi-award-winning, deeply human shows in a sustainable way, for the young and curious who are looking for unique and affordable social experiences to share with friends. We harness our medium to build a relaxed, friendly, social atmosphere that anyone can enjoy. People come to us for top-quality shows, a social experience, and a full calendar of events and workshops. They stay safe in the knowledge that, every moment they’re here, they’re doing their bit to protect our planet.

The current generation of under 35-year-olds care more about climate change than any other age group in history. But they are also the least likely to take individual action to prevent it. There is a huge knowledge action gap here – and we believe it comes down, simply, to communication. The facts and figures on climate change are important. But they’re scary, and their hard to relate to.

The Greenhouse flips this on its head. We use the power of performance and storytelling to help audiences build genuine, personal, emotional connections with the issue. We convert the climate crisis from something distant and terrifying into something they can see, feel, and ultimately, effect.

Our artistic programme inspires. Shows are engaging and conversational, drawing audiences into discussion and inviting them to reach their own conclusions. They never lecture – and they’re rarely explicitly about climate change. Rather, they often carry themes of the natural world, and our place within it.

Once audiences have been inspired, our education programme gives them the practical skills they need to take action. Workshops teach everything from how to darn socks to how to recognise greenwashing in marketing, and they are completely free to ensure accessibility. This has a real impact. Data from our pilot run in 2019 shows that the combination of our artistic and education work caused 50% of our attendees to live more sustainably after visiting us.

We also help arts organisations and businesses in other industries become more environmentally responsible. Using our storytelling background and environmental experience, we help companies deeply embed sustainability into their work, ensuring our impact reaches not just individuals, but organisations and communities too.
Instagram: @thegreenhousetheatre
Twitter: @GreenHouse_BI
Facebook: /Thegreenhousetheatre