Community Grant Programme

Community News

We understand that we have a responsibility to create a positive and lasting impact that goes beyond the buildings and places we create.

Creating positive change through community partnerships

We pride ourselves in our ability to create long-standing and meaningful relationships with the communities based around Canary Wharf.

Our Community Grant Programme is aligned to our overarching Social Value Approach, which focuses on the benefits we deliver to wider society. As part of this, our Community Grant Programme aims to support local community initiatives that will deliver the greatest impact for those who need it the most.

We are working with The East End Community Foundation (EECF) to deliver the programme. EECF have been working in the East End for over 30 years, they are a trusted grant maker, supporting groups to make lasting impact, with simple and transparent processes.

The programme is centred around three key themes: Education, Skills and Employment and, Wellbeing and Biodiversity and is open to all not-for-profit organisations operating in and benefitting the residents of Tower Hamlets.

Click here for full details of the Grant Programme

Canary Wharf Group

Apply for a Grant

There will be three rounds of funding throughout the year for new applications.

Thanks for your interest in applying for funding. Applications are now closed for 2024 funding. We hope to announce the dates for 2025 funding round openings soon.

EECF will facilitate applications on our behalf.

Click here to access the guidelines for future information

If you experience or anticipate any difficulties with this application or require help to complete it, please contact the EECF Grants Team by emailing: or calling: 020 7345 4444

Canary Wharf Group


2024 Community Grant Programme Beneficiaries – Education

Half Moon Young People's Theatre

Speech Bubbles is a targeted early intervention programme for children with a Speech, Language and Communication Need and will work with 20 children aged 5-7 to promote communication, wellbeing and emotional literacy.

It's Your Life

It’s Your Future project will work with schools to engage 36 young people, aged 13 to 16, to promote their well-being and resilience, capacity to learn, raising their aspirations and improving the educational attainment and future prospects.

Streets of Growth

Funding will enable weekly lunchtime and after school sessions at Oaklands and Central Foundation schools supporting 50 children and young people year 10-13s who are at risk of exclusion due to emotional and behavioral challenges.

Tower Hamlets Schools Library Service

The grant will support the Tower Hamlets Book Award for participants from around 55 primary and secondary schools in Tower Hamlets. This initiative aims to encourage children to read and share the pleasure of it with others.

A Team Arts Education C.I.C

Funding will contribute to the groups four-week Summer Art and Design Academy for young people aged 15-18, consisting of a week’s residency at Highgrove Estate for 10 young people and a visual Communication Skills Programme running for 6 days in July/August.

Docklands Sailing & Watersports Centre

The grant will support their Disability Watersports Programme for children and young people aged 8-21.

SocietyLinks Tower Hamlets

The grant will support continued funding of the GCSE Math’s Club with sessions delivered once a week, 4pm-7pm with a qualified math’s tutor and a youth worker.

Spitalfields Music

Our funding contributed towards their Spring/Summer Programme of activity with Tower Hamlets Primary Schools, for children aged 7-11. Delivering three activities; The Primary Big Sing; Royal Academy of Music Tour and The Cries of London. We awarded them with a grant to support strand 1, the Big Sing project.

Dorset Community Association

Funding will support a weekly, on-site, face-to-face study support and mentoring session running for four hours.

Canaan Project

Our grant will contribute towards provision of a female only weekly lunch club, after school club, fortnightly empowerment courses and group support running July 2024 – August 2025.

Maya Productions Ltd

Working with Central Foundation Girls School, Diverse Voices (DV) aims to engage South Asian and Global Majority students in the theatre and careers in the theatre industry, working with girls from BAME communities.

The Mason Foundation

This grant will enable delivery of The Community Mile, a programme aimed at improving physical health and developing leadership skills, within Phoenix School especially young people with autism.

Tower Hamlets Education Booster

Our grant will be used to enhance educational support for local residents and students by expanding booster sessions to Sundays, supplementing current Saturday provision. Our funding also supported THEB ‘LEAP AHEAD’ Summer program, delivered across local Idea Stores and TH venues.

Thames Bengali Association

The project will support young people aged 11 to 18 from disadvantaged Bangladeshi families by developing essential life skills, which contribute to young people’s future progression.

WeJam Foundation

This grant will enable WeJam to deliver three-week music programme to three schools located across Tower Hamlets, where participants will get the chance to form their own rock bands and rehearse and prepare for a school concert on the final day.

Community Access CIC -Radojunkie

This project will deliver a 10-week programme of Muay Thai, Kickboxing, and Boxing camps for children and young people (CYP) aged 4-16. The local grassroots charity were also encouraged to showcase the participants Muay Thai skills with a wonderful demonstration at CWG’s Crossrail Roof Garden performance space.


2024 Community Grant Programme Beneficiaries – Skills & EMPLOYMENT

Beyond the Bias LTD

The grant will support a 40-week programme focused on skill development and employment in a creative industry targeted for 15 local BAME working-class young people aged 18–25 years old.

Fern Street Family Centre

To deliver English tutoring via a qualified tutor to migrant women living on the Lincoln Estate in Bow and the surrounding area.

Stifford Centre

This project will facilitate a BAME Women’s Employment Support Programme recruiting disenfranchised women living in Tower Hamlets including carers and single parents.

Knock The Door Down

This project will run a skills, employment and wellbeing focused film/documentary project in Tower Hamlets and specifically The Brady Arts Centre for 15 NEET residents.

Ocean Regeneration Trust

Ocean Estate’s Youth Social Action programme is co-designed and co-produced by local young people, living in the local wards who are NEET aged 13-25 years old.

Newark Youth London

The Work it Hub project will support 25 young people (aged 14-25) in Tower Hamlets who are NEET and at risk of disengagement or involvement in crime.


YOH will engage 2 cohorts of 22 young people aged 14-18, develop aspirations, promoting entrepreneurship, and introducing skills available in and around Canary Wharf. 

Clean Slate Training & Employment

Clean Slate will run two 7 Signs workshops in Canary Wharf, each spanning two days and targeting individuals facing significant barriers to employment. 

Bethnal Green Spear Trust

The Spear Programme will assist 16-24-year-olds not in education, employment, or training (NEET) in developing skills and mindsets for employment success.


2024 Community Grant Programme Beneficiaries – WELLBEING & BIODIVERSITY

Bangladeshi Mental Health Forum

This project will provide a range of walking and workshops to improve participants mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Circus for Survivors CIC

Funding will support specialist arts and physical wellbeing workshops led by local freelancers and artists for women and non-binary residents who are survivors of domestic abuse.

Emmott Close Senior Citizens Club

Our funding will enable this heavily attended seniors centre an extra day a week to provide activities and a hot meal for local senior citizens in Stepney and nearby TH Wards. CWG will also look to support them again with volunteering opportunities for our staff to support with running their programme of activities to their users.


SportInspired received funding to run two programmes reaching 400 children aged 7-10 years and support the creation of one new sports club in primary schools to facilitate a positive behavior change in children as they continue to carry out a sport they enjoy.

Shadwell Community Project

Shadwell Community Project will run 30 sessions for children aged 5-12 years and intergenerational events addressing gardening, nature education, bush craft and cooking, which aligns well with our biodiversity goals.

Limehouse Town Hall Consortium Trust

This project will provide a year-long community exercise programme aimed at enriching the lives of asylum seekers and refugees housed in local asylum hotels, and marginalised ethnic minority women in Tower Hamlets.

Public Works Ltd

Our grant will support delivery of the Companions@R-Urban, a programme of workshops and events addressing health and wellbeing through engagement with nature, food and gardening. The programme will be delivered during May to September 2024, reaching 125 residents with a focus on biodiversity and engagement on the Teviot Estate in Poplar.


Sketch Appeal

Funding provided to continue running Sketch Appeal’s weekly ‘Time Art Club’ at Oxford House in Old Ford Road reaching 70 residents. Due to limited funds the panel agreed a contribution towards the project costs.

St Luke's Mission Initiative

St. Luke’s will provide school-term-time one-hour baby and toddler music sessions over a period of 12 months once a week (39 hours per year) or twice a week (78 hours per year) for pre-schoolers and their parents.

St. Hilda's East

Funding to support St. Hilda’s East with the continuation andy further development of their Women’s Project providing 42 weekly women-only wellbeing workshops.

Nour Domestic Violence Charity

NOUR will provide counselling and support to women who have experienced abuse including mental health support with trained counsellors.

Bags of Taste

Funding to deliver a Bags of Taste Mentored Home Programme for free to vulnerable people or those on low incomes in Tower Hamlets specifically around support and providing people with skills to prepare food and improve wellbeing.

Micro Rainbow International Foundation

Our grant will assist with the foundation’s year-long theatre project for the LBTQ community targeting migrant communities. There was discussion as to the impact of this project, but the panel acknowledged the support this community requires in terms of addressing isolation. The panel agreed with the grant recommendation of £5,000.

Stepney City Farm

Our grant will support for the farm’s Communities Programme to deliver their community engagement programme, which provides opportunities for a diverse range of local people to benefit from being involved in life at the Farm and supports our wellbeing and biodiversity aims.

Mindful Photo Lab CIC

Funding awarded to support delivery of a series of 8-week mindful nature photo walks over the year, designed to enhance physical and mental well-being, and educate on sustainability and biodiversity. A body of work/photography by participants attending the photography workshops will be showcased in our Newfoundland Community Window.

Engage Here CIC

Engage Here will partner with The Men’s Cabin based in Poplar to deliver a series of 8 workshops on various printmaking techniques for older men living with cognitive-impairment or dementia.

Mohila Ongon in collaboration with Women's Environmental Network.

WEN in partnership with Mohila Ongon Bengali women’s collective will deliver an annual Bengali fruit and veg festival.

Tower Hamlets Cycling Club

Tower Hamlets Cycling Club is a community club in east London for all ages and abilities. This Project aims to run cycling sessions over a period of 30 weeks for local BAME women and girls and contributes to improving the wellbeing of local residents.

Tower Hamlets Council

Sponsorship of the Mayor’s Cup Football Tournament 2024 taking place in August/September. The tournament will engage both youth and adult teams with approximately 9,000 individuals taking part and over 1,000 spectators at Victoria Park and Mile End pitches.


2023 Community Grant Programme Beneficiaries – Education

Will Crooks Tenants and Residents Association

Many of the children on the Will Crooks Estate have not been able to keep up with their education since Covid and many have very little support as parents have insufficient English skills to support their children. Our grant will offer extra-curricular tutoring for two sessions per week, one to young people in years 6 and 7 (the transition between Primary and Secondary), and the second session for young people in years 8, 9 and 10 to assist their studies and help them to reach their potential.

Tower Hamlets Education (Foundation) Booster

Our grant will support the delivery of the ‘Tower Hamlets Education Booster Student Enrichment Programme’. Aiming to provide students in the Tower Hamlets area with the support and resources they need to excel academically and develop important life skills. Through a combination of after-school tutoring, mentorship, and extracurricular activities, the project seeks to empower students to reach their full potential and achieve their educational and personal goals.

Tower Hamlets Schools Library Service

Many of the children on the Will Crooks Estate have not been able to keep up with their education since CovThis grant will support the Tower Hamlets Schools Library Service’s Annual Book Awards. Six new books are donated to each school in Tower Hamlets aimed at students aged 10-13 years. The books are read and the students vote for their favourite and an art competition invites artistic responses to one of the books. At a Grand Finale event in November eight schools will present their favourite book to an audience of around 350 children from participating schools. A panel of authors will then judges the presentations and presents prizes. This initiative aims to encourage children to read and share the pleasure of it with others.

English Martyrs Catholic Primary School

This grant will allow the school to update equipment in the playground and garden area and buy new plants, gardening tools, a mud kitchen and sand pit. A lot of the children don’t have access to outside spaces as they live in flats, the goal is to encourage the growing of plants so the children can be a part of the life cycle and learn how food grows. The outdoor play equipment will help to enhance wellbeing and encourage the healthy lifestyle habits of active play which is important in tackling childhood obesity. The equipment can be used by the school and after school club.

Newark Youth London

The Homework Club will be led by qualified teachers and supported by youth workers. Weekly sessions during term-time will include group sessions to motivate young people to persevere with their schoolwork, provide coaching on key-skills and topics and provide 1-2-1 support to individual children with homework they are struggling to complete. The project is focused on young people in Tower Hamlets who experience high levels of deprivation and hopes to improve the student’s attainment, wellbeing and optimism as well as reduce anxiety for parents who feel unable to support their child.

Our Lady and St Joseph Catholic Primary School

Rates of mental illness in children and young people have risen by half in the last three years and adequate adjustments to service providers have not been made for them to be able to cope with the rising demand. The Covid Mental Health Recovery Programme at OLSJ will offer therapeutic support to students who need it.

Lincoln Area Regeneration Group

Union Stage Kids is a 30-week extra-curricular performing arts programme delivered by local artists at Poplar Union, focused on creativity and inclusion. Children, aged 5-12, who do not have access to the arts due to cultural or socio-economic barriers, will have the opportunity to explore diverse aspects of performing arts, with a new topic each week e.g., creating poetry, playwriting, voice and stage presence, directing. The project will culminate in a play created, directed, and performed by the participants at the St Paul’s Way Festival.


There are many factors impinging on young people’s mental health and wellbeing, and it continues to rise. Our donation will allow Bennu to engage 30 young people and their parents/carers. Supporting transition with years 7 and 11, exploring themes of fear/change/bereavement/grief; not only those who have physically lost someone but grief of attachment to their environment associated with endings and new beginnings. The project will also work with year 9 addressing anxiety/stress/low mood/lack of self-esteem/value and body image.

Christ Church Primary School

Christ Church Primary are preparing a gardening space for the students and parents to use. Our donation will fund workshop sessions for all students to learn about gardening and growing flowers and food. Most of the children live in flats so they will not have had the experience of planting something and watching it grow.

St Luke's Primary School

Our donation will fund new gymnastics equipment for the students to use as part of their PE/ sports lessons. The extra equipment would significantly enhance the children’s health and wellbeing, which is particularly important as there is a worrying trend in children becoming over weight and leading sedentary lifestyles. The new apparatus would help to improve core strength and balance, while also providing indoor gymnastics classes which are currently unavailable.

LBTH Learning Advisory Service

The Learning Advisory Service will support over 30 Primary schools across Tower Hamlets to offer disabled children and those with complex medical conditions sports events. Often these children dont access after school sports or facilities due to barriers to participation. the project brings community sport; sporting opportunities and aspirations to disabled children across the borough.

George Green School

George Green School will develop the school’s mini nature reserve/food-growing garden to encourage biodiversity and provide a relaxing and educational outdoor space for young volunteers to care for the environment as well as learn practical gardening and food growing skills.

This donation will also support a regular after-school sessions with a garden tutor, as well as holiday activities in school holidays with an artist-facilitator working alongside the tutor delivering fun, relaxing and creative educational activities about caring for urban nature.

Maya Productions

Diverse Voices is a playwriting programme to empower, predominantly Asian, black & ethnically diverse, students at Central Foundation Girls’ School through delivering a series of playwriting activities.

Nine taster workshops will introduce the basic elements of playwriting (creating characters and writing a dramatic scene) to 270 participants. A group of 20 students will go onto 9 in-depth workshops to write their own play, engage in a Q&A with a local playwright, and have a theatre excursion.The project will culminate in a professional showcase of plays by the young people to an audience at the school.

Virginia Primary School

The school wants to provide an adventure learning playground so the children can develop their gross and fine motor skills; the learning playground will allow them to step outside their comfort zone and also help and support each other and work as a team. This would be a wooden structure which is designed to challenge children’s balance and enable them to negotiate obstacles.

Wapping Youth FC

The Sign Language Project will be delivered across 30 weeks by bringing in a qualified instructor to teach participants sign language. It is open for members of the community aged 14+. Wapping Youth centre will deliver the sessions every Tuesday and participants will work towards the Level 1 UK BSL qualification.

Upon completion members will be paired with 5 deaf people who are seeking befriending. The members will then create a sign language community for deaf people to make friends. Furthermore, throughout the process they will fundraise to create more deaf awareness tutors who can teach this qualification to other peers.

Mayflower Primary School

The After School Club aims to offer new and exciting opportunities for children to participate in activities that might not be familiar to them. Offering a range of clubs that might not necessarily be available to the children in the community such as fencing, rock climbing, paddle boarding, golf and trampolining. Specialist venues would be secured, and expert coaches would be hired to run an exciting range of activities for children across Key Stage 1 and 2.

Sport Inspired Limited

Sport Inspired will be able to be able to set up after-school sports clubs with their local partner schools including Lansbury Lawrence Primary, Manor Field Primary, Arnhem Wharf Primary, Old Ford Primary, Cubitt Town Primary, Halley Primary, Culloden Primary, Our Lady and St Joseph Primary. Sport inspired will fund after-school clubs to facilitate a positive behaviour change in children as they continue to carry out a sport they enjoy.

Will Crooks Tenants and Residents Association

This project will support around 40 Women in the community who cannot speak English. They will undertake studies to prepare for level 1and 2 classes in English at New City College, which will help them to seek employment and gain independence. With a greater understanding of English participants will also be able to monitor the activities and studies of their children.

SocietyLinks Tower Hamlets

SocietyLinks aim to prevent NEETs by providing support and early intervention to around 50 15/16 year olds about to take their GCSE Exams. Providing Maths tuition; overcoming individualised barriers and filling in gaps left by Covid closures.The young people will also think about their future and reignite their aspirations from pre-covid times, with support with university applications; finding work and applying for vocational courses.

Half Moon Young People's Theatre

This programme will provide access to high quality theatre for around 250 disadvantaged children and young people who wouldn’t usually access performing arts. The Theatre Passport Programme raises aspirations for children and attending live performances can provide a host of benefits including improving language and communication, wellbeing and emotional literacy.

The Learning Advisory Service

Tower Hamlets schools are inclusive, which means most children go to their local school, which means children with Down Syndrome may never see another person like themselves. This funding is for World Down Syndrome Day and a celebration of what it means to be a young person with DS. A performance will be designed and delivered by the young people, they will gain confidence and new skills through working with professionals, celebrate their strengths and have fun putting on a show which is filmed and then can be shared to promote inclusion.

Setpoint London East

Setpoint are a charity who offer workshops for school children in science and nature. This donation will support around 40 school groups to attend Setpoint’s building in Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park to experience a ‘hands-on’ session – most of the workshops being taught partly indoors and partly out in the Park using the natural woodland habitat as a learning resource.

Spitalfields Music

This donation will go towards the 2023 Neighbourhood Schools Programme. Specialism in singing and song-writing enables equal participation and requires no previous musical experience from participants. The 2023 programme has a mindfulness theme and will work with approximately 1300 children and young people aged 7-16 across East London and up to 9 Neighbourhood Schools.

2023 Community Grant Programme Beneficiaries – Skills & EMPLOYMENT

Stitches in Time

FabricWorks, the textile social enterprise training programme, has supported local long-term unemployed migrant BAME women in learning garment production skills since 2015. This 12-month programme will focus on supporting up to 144 migrant Bangladeshi women in Limehouse with three sewing projects, providing 100 supported workdays in the professional production team, free weekly studio drop-ins, 10 specialist workshops for high-skill textile work, and individual microenterprise, ongoing requestable information, advice, and guidance support for complex issues.

Wapping Bangladesh Association

WBA will empower economically inactive or long-termed unemployed disadvantaged Bangladeshi and BAME women living in the Wapping, Shadwell and Whitechapel areas of Tower Hamlets to have essential life skills. This includes job related skills, qualifications and the language support that will increase and give them a boost to their employability. This programme will bring them closer to the labour market by preparing women through employment advice, confidence building initiatives, upskilling with soft skills, providing training to gain qualifications and practical work experience or volunteering work that local employers seek. The project will run once a week drop-in sessions between 11am-4pm (two-days a week for the first two months) from September to July, 40 weeks annually.

Knock The Door Down

Knock The Door Down was set up by seasoned BAME artists, teachers and creative practitioners with a remit to “engage under-represented audiences through education, experiences and stories, inspired by life, told in extraordinary sometimes fantastical situations”. This project will run from September to December and remove the barrier for Tower Hamlets residents of low-socio economic and/or ethnic minority backgrounds to be involved in theatre by providing free access to the family comedy whodunnit show Marriage is Murder playing at The Brady Arts Centre Theatre in November 2023. This project will also provide volunteering and training for 10 students or unemployed residents with professional artists on a stage show that will be seen by 600 live audience members and over 1500 online viewers.

Tower Hamlets Council - Arts, Parks and Events Team

A Season of Bangla Drama will run from 1-26 November 2023, presenting a dynamic programme on the theme of love. This will engage 22 organisations over 24 days, offering local people and the wider community access, training and opportunities to participate and enjoy theatre, exhibitions, cultural events at local venues. One play will be commissioned celebrating 20 years of A Season of Bangla Drama titled 20 Acts of Love. The project will support CPD opportunities for community participants from September to November 2023, access mentoring via dramaturgy support of up to 4 hours per company (15 groups), adopt best practices as well as support the core cost of running this fringe festival.

Screen Share UK

Screen Share UK collects used and faulty laptops from individuals and businesses and uses the power of volunteers to repair and refurbish them to distribute them to refugees and sanctuary seekers free of charge as a permanent gift. They receive numerous requests for tech from Tower Hamlets residents and have tech volunteers in three different Tower Hamlets wards.

Streets of Growth

Working with young people aged 15-25 who are vulnerable to criminal exploitation/poor life outcomes. Streets of Growth offer each young person a tailor-made pathway to develop their aspirations, emotional resilience, and essential life / employability skills, collaborating with them for up to three years.

Udichi Shilpi Gosthi

The Preparing for Employment Project will help local unemployed and economically inactive people aged 25+ into employment in the catering/hospitality sectors. To help support fifty long term unemployed Bangladeshi women in Tower Hamlets to gain confidence, skills, and knowledge to increase numbers and rates of applications for jobs in the catering/hospitality sectors.

Osmani Trust

A 6-month education & employment project to support 30 young people Not in Education & Employment (NEET) and at risk of moving further away from the labour market and getting involved in anti-social behaviour, joining gangs, going into crime (drug dealing and knife crime) because they have left school with no GCSEs or very low grades and are currently not in college or working.

ICAN Project

The ICAN project will recruit/train ten youth leaders, 19-25 years old, 8hrs per week, over 4 weeks to co-deliver a youth empowerment programme with young people, 11-15 years old for a 2hrs per week, over 12 weeks.

Caramel Rock

Skills and employment to support young people in Tower Hamlets aged 16 to 25 who are not in education, training or employment and long-term disengagement to progress and supporting them and their families by providing creative interventions.

Women’s Inclusive Team

The project is designed to guide women in a way that will enable them to make informed choices for their futures, by facilitating a platform for further education, training, work experience and employment.

South Poplar and Limehouse Action for Secure Housing (SPLASH)

SPLASH will run two sessions per week on Mondays and Thursdays from 10am-6pm and 5pm-10pm respectively for a period of a year. This will be both appointments, drop-In based and online based. They aim to provide support to 4-6 people per day and anticipate working with around 100 people.


The ‘’It’s A Mag Ting’ project is a creative self-development programme designed to teach 29, 16–25-year-olds practical, transferrable creative skills (camera operating, digital content creation, editing, producing, presenting and marketing), interpersonal and employability skills (punctuality, presenting professionally, interview techniques and etiquette), so that they can progress into employment opportunities within the creative sector and/or re-enter educational pathways

City Gateway

This project will promote the employability of local residents who are NEET, long term unemployed, or economically inactive by equipping them with the personal and occupational skills and accredited qualifications they need to access and compete effectively in the labour market and achieve competitive, integrated employment. Involving: CV, writing, Job search, Interview techniques, Business ideas & planning.

WISE Youth Trusts

This project will support 200 disadvantaged NEET young people (16-24) through a programme of workshops and workplace visits with their network of employers. Workshops will be around reaching their potential, achieving sustainable employment, exposure to different industries.

Sisters In Business

A 12-week employability programme for Muslim women to gain skills and confidence to go back to work and equipping women who want to enter the workforce. Involving LinkedIn profiles, CVs, interview skills.

The Progression Network

The project will recruit 20 BAME ex-offenders (age 18-25) to provide personalised support to each participant leading to sustainable progression opportunities including vocational training and employment. All participants will receive personalised mentoring and advocacy in an intensive and ongoing basis throughout their time on the project.

2023 Community Grant Programme Beneficiaries – Wellbeing & BIODiversity

Band for Life Project

Band for Life is a music-based mental health project based at Bow Road Methodist Church. They run a weekly session involving music-making and singing. The group is a lively community of people who identify as having varying mental and physical health difficulties.

The Power Movement Organisation

The TPM Breakfast Club project will provide a warm, welcoming and friendly space to support individuals and families struggling with the cost of living and experiencing high levels of isolation, loneliness, and multiple health conditions.

Mudchute Association

Our funding will enable Mudchute to subsidise environmental and farming workshops for local schools and out of school activities for local children, which are quite unique for an Inner City Area.

Goldman Gardens

Growing the Community Together is the project at Goldman Gardens. Encouraging sustainable growing for families on low income and helping them to become more self-sufficient through growing and planting.

Tredegar Practice

This project will deliver touch therapies from massage and acupuncture experts to people with severe mental illness from ethnic minority groups in a group format. It will help participants increase their social interactions and provide an opportunity to form new friendships with peers.

Look Ahead

The Healthy Body, Healthy Mind project will support improvements in the overall mental and physical wellbeing of some of the most vulnerable residents whom Look Ahead work with, by offering free in-house cooking workshops and relaxing massage therapy sessions. The project will enhance individuals’ skills, resilience, and wellbeing – which are essential to independent living.

Shadwell Basin Outdoor Activity Centre

Our donation will contribute towards Shadwell Basin’s School Holiday Project which will run throughout the school holidays daily with a unique developed curriculum, ‘Pathways’. This enables all young people to engage in adventure activities at increasing levels of challenge and skill with National Accreditation. As part of the programme personal and social development through the underlying the charity’s values are taught e.g. humility, respect. Leadership, teamwork, communication and problem solving are also part of the Project. These are seen as vital developmental skills needed to pave the way into employment.

Methodist Church Tower Hamlets

The Zacchaeus Health and Wellbeing Project provides a range of services for people aged 50+ and informal carers. Providing advice, information, access to benefits, support groups, health, social and therapeutic sessions with the aim to reduce isolation and work towards the prevention of future disadvantage.

Toyhouse Libraries Association of Tower Hamlets

This programme will train local Mums to act as Peer Support Volunteers for other parents who are struggling during the “First 1001 Days” of their childs life. It will also provide equipment for the Peer Support Volunteers such as mobile phones, enabling further communication and support to young families. Ongoing professional supervision and support will be provided to individual Peer Support Volunteers through monthly Forums. Families will also be able to access relevant Toyhouse sessions, reducing isolation.

London Borough of Tower Hamlets - Mayor's Cup 2023

Our donation will contribute towards the Mayors Cup 2023. This football tournament showcases local grass roots talent and supports community cohesion.

Spitalfields City Farm

The Spitalfields City Farm Young Farmers Programme is for young people aged 12-17 in Tower Hamlets who predominantly experience marginalisation in society, participants will have the opportunity to build their confidence, gain new skills, make friends, build connections with nature, supporting physical and mental wellbeing.

Carers Centre Tower Hamlets

The Young Adult Carers (YAC) Project supports young people aged 16 to 25 who live with a loved one with long term physical illness, mental illness, disability or substance abuse issues. YACs suffer from significantly reduced life chances compared with their peers as they spend all of their time and energy caring for someone else. The biggest impact on YACs is mental illness and social isolation. Our funding will go towards: Giving opportunities to get out of the home and take part in regular social activities with other young people in similar situations & access to activities such as a trip to the cinema or an outing to the seaside.

Let Me Know

Let Me Know (LMK) is an education charity working with young people to prevent domestic violence, relationship abuse and sexual assault. Our funding will contribute towards LMK’s delivery of ‘10 Signs’ domestic violence and relationship abuse prevention education workshops. Our grant will enable them to deliver nine workshops in Tower Hamlets teaching young people about healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviours, empowering young people to thrive in their relationships and preventing them from becoming victims of abuse.

Tower Hamlets Cycling Club

Tower Hamlets Cycling Club, a well-established community not-for-profit Cycling Club since 2010 plans to run the Cycle4Life project from May to Oct 2023 for local BAME & Muslim women who cannot cycle or have very little confidence. Demand for women’s cycling increases yearly – their goal has been to provide cycling for those on a low income/living in overcrowded housing, and they provide bikes and helmets for all riders to encourage participation for all.

Youth In Sport CIC

Reach and Teach Project – A Sporting Chance Provision of a wide range of free weekly sports activities for young people, across two housing estates, Collingwood and Bancroft estate in Tower Hamlets. Using sports as a means for engagement to build self-confidence, develop skills and give residents the opportunity to live their best life with the aim to improve health and well-being through a range of quality sporting activities offering support, advice and guidance. The need arose through a targeted consultation period with these housing estates, overall the data revealed high demand for localised estate-based activities that were accessible and tailored to the needs and interests of young people. Our funding will go towards holiday activities, trips and mini competition days for young people to take part in.

Emmott Close Senior Citizen Club

Happy Days 2023 – to combat isolation this project will engage older people in the community to get involved with weekly social activities session Mon to Fri at their community hub. ECSCC will provide breakfast club, bingo, armchair base exercise and lunch club. Provision of a weekly drop in advice service for older residents provided by their employee resident, signposting on various needs such as: Housing issues, Health, Bengali residents needing help to translate letters; generally with the issues facing daily life. The hub has an outdoor garden where members pot plants / flowers and vegetables. They encourage residents to enjoy the green space improving wellbeing and health.

Good Shepherd Mission

Supporting Women’s Health and Wellbeing in Bethnal Green. Good Shepherd Mission (GSM) is a church, charity and mission, engaging in activities to support the community of Bethnal Green. GSM allows Zumba classes, a women’s support charity and Ukrainian ladies cooking together to use the building free of charge. Our funding will assist them to continue to offer this free provision to the numerous groups and help towards the costs of hosting these events including light and heat, cleaning and general overheads.

Trapped in Zone One

Move and Stretch (Poplar) project delivered by TIZO. Our funding will help provide free to access fitness provision for 6-months to females aged 18 and over tackling inequality in TH, engaging with individuals from lower socio-economic groups, women from diverse Ethnic Communities, providing a safe and warm environment, partnered with Mind in Tower Hamlets and helping individuals with long term health conditions.

Vallance Community Sports Association

Get Active Together is a 42-week multi sports and physical activity programme held over three venues across Tower Hamlets. Over 200 young people aged 8-19, including those with a disability, will have regular access to structured fun physical activities. The programme will also raise awareness of health issues impacting the community and ways to address them.

Osmani Trust

The Samuda Boxing Club will deliver boxing classes in partnership with In2Sports at Wood Wharf. The Club are currently working with 15 at risk young people and the funding will allow drop-in Youth Club sessions, workshops, accredited courses, sports & physical Activities. The project aims to reduce ASB, serious youth violence and build bridges between young people, residents and the police.


The Sundial Sunbeams are a group aged between 18-65 with recurring mental health problems living in the community who meet once a week on Thursday at the Sundial Centre. This funding will offer a service user led day trip with a vision to enhance the wellbeing and quality of life for service users in need of support in the community.

Stepney City Farm

The Greencare and Community Engagement programme provides opportunities for a diverse range of local people to benefit from being involved in life at the Farm. Twice weekly therapeutic volunteering sessions provide a safe, supported space for people with additional needs to connect with the origins of food, with nature, and each other; whilst twelve other local charities and service providers with beneficiaries ranging from domestic abuse survivors, to people with disabilities, to asylum seekers, are supported by the Farm to run their own therapeutic gardening projects on site using our purpose-built community beds.

St. Matthias Conservation Trust

The St. Matthias Community Centre in Poplar will be a Warm Hub open to local people in need on Sundays in January, February, March and April. A team of Volunteers have been helping the homeless and others in need since the beginning of the Covid pandemic. Many in Tower Hamlets have been affected badly by the isolation and loneliness suffered during the Lockdowns. Many have lost their social skills and have become even more vulnerable.

FirstFruits Environmental Services

FirstFruits Community Compost and Growing Garden will collect green garden waste, waste food and waste construction wood and convert this to compost, charcoal, biochar and other saleable commodities including organically-produced vegetables and edible mushrooms, wooden furniture and timber. The group also seeks to provide employment, mentoring and training to individuals on the margins of society.

Teviot Action Group

Tag fit & feisty aims to help over 50s and disabled people to be healthy and improve their wellbeing and diet through activities, exercise, coffee mornings and a meal in winter. The aim is to promote positive ageing in later life through advice and friendship in a safe warm place.

Neighbours in Poplar

The Healthy Living Project is for older people in the community and provides practical support and care for vulnerable people living at home. The funding contribution will help towards the cost of delivering for their clients the healthy meals initiative and tackling isolation for those living alone.

Cranbrook Estate Tenants and Residents Association

The Happy and Healthy Project supports people with long-term pain whom are four times more likely to experience depression and anxiety. This project utilises a proven approach: mindfulness, acupuncture and health-coaching, with peer-support social groups to reduce depression, anxiety and social isolation caused by long-term pain.

St Matthew’s Bethnal Green

St Matthew’s Community Food Garden is in the heart of the East End, this project is focused heavily on community, togetherness and wellbeing. Plans to: 1) build a vegetable growing space which creates a regular volunteering offer for local people, including socially prescribed individuals from GP services; 2) provide employment for trained woodworkers from Tower Hamlets addiction recovery charity Spitalfields Crypt Trust; and 3) feed into the new sustainable weekly fresh food co-op initiative running out of the church hall for the community.

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